Friday, November 2, 2012

New Music: Alt-J

Don't you assume the blond-haired guy is the lead singer? Seems like the singer is always the odd one out and shorter. People seem to embody their instruments, the singers are always a little more in your face, the bass players are often tall. These guys shirk the conventions..oh but wait, they are an English band formed in art school!

Alt - J (aka delta)

Their album, An Awesome Wave, was released earlier this year, falling just outside of this new age dream pop thing (Beach house, et al). The album is cohesive, but diverse enough to make singles out of each song. The songs have interesting seamless layers, that don't get too murky, having that hook even without the vocals, which by the way, are melted nicely like another instrument. Lead vocals sound a lot like Bombay Bicycle Club, which is kind of a restrained old man voice. While interesting, it should be used cautiously/sparingly just like the false-falsetto that Bon Iver made trendy. Alt-J experiments enough with the vocals to keep them from sounding too coy.

Anyway, feeling rant-y today. Check out these masterpieces.

Breezeblock -


Something Good


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